Employment Law Blog
What Is an Overtime Lawyer?
When you are looking to report an overtime violation, you need to speak to an overtime lawyer first. Reporting wage violations to the government are only one of the options available to you to ensure you are properly compensated for your time and labor. With the help of our experienced Houston overtime lawyers, you may […]
Wrongful Termination and the EEOC
Wrongful Termination in the Houston Area Employees who face wrongful termination from their jobs have the option of pursuing legal action against their employer and recovering compensation. A plethora of scenarios can trigger a wrongful termination lawsuit, and they can be an unfortunate experience for everyone involved. It is important that employers adhere to ethical practices, […]
Employment in the Time of Coronavirus
As coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads across the globe, businesses in the US face a plethora of practical and legal employment challenges as they adapt daily practices to mitigate the spread of this virus among their workforce. More and more, employers across Houston and Harris County are having their employees work from home to reduce exposure. However, […]
Overtime Pay for Overtime Worked is the Law.
Overtime pay isn’t as hard to miss as you think. As a Houston Overtime Lawyer for well over a decade, I can tell you that the most common reason people get taken advantage of at work is that they don’t speak up. There are plenty of reasons why one would stay silent, but in the […]
Things You Should Do To Win A Wrongful Termination Case
If you believe that the termination is not justifiable and that you’ve been terminated illegally, call today to find out how to prove wrongful termination.
What the Law Says About Being Denied Work Breaks
If you feel like your employer is not giving you the breaks you deserve, this guide will show you how to handle the situation when you are Denied Work Breaks.